Step 1: To do the manual validation, the selected objects were first classified in three (3) categories based on the object content description (i.e. “title”). Thus, the objects with the following titles were ignored:
“Abundance”, “Barcode data”, “Conservation Status”, “Description”, “Discussion of Phylogenetic Relationships”, “Functional adaptation”, “General comments”, “General Description”, “Geographic Range”, “Global Abundance”, “Global Distribution”, “IDnature guides”, “Introduction”, “IUCN”, “IUCN Red List Assessment”, “Locations of barcode samples”, “National Distribution”, “National NatureServe Conservation Status”, “nomenclature”, “Number of Occurrences”, “Other Comments”, “Parasitoid Associations “, “Population”, “Predation”, “Range”, “Range Description”, “Records”, “Statistics of barcoding coverage”, “Taxonomy”, “The Flight Period”, and “Threats”.
The objects with the following titles were processed:
“Food Habits”, “Foodplant Associations”, “Habitat”, “Habitat and Ecology”.
Additionally, objects with out any title or those with titles referring to species names, both with general terms (i.e. “names”), or specific ones like species or genera name (i.e. "Telipna sheffieldi", "Bibla") also were processed.
Step 2: For the objects classified as “to be processed”, a second file, a manual validation file, was generated coping the information of the columns “val”, “nmbr”, “id”, and “vid” from the extraction file. Five (5) additional columns were added with plant name, the plant family and with information about the origin of the data (“primary” when the data comes from direct field observation, and “secondary” when comes from revised literature or indirect sources), record source (“literature” when record comes from published literature, and “field observation” when comes from an direct observation in field), and the evidence reported for the association (“larval feed on”, “eggs lays on”, etc.).
Column name |
Description |
Example of content |
val |
Butterfly valid name according to checklist compiled in the project |
Abaeis nicippe |
nmbr |
Butterfly name reported in EOL object |
Abaeis nicippe (Cramer, [1779]) |
id |
Butterfly species scientific name |
177131 |
vid |
EOL object code |
plant |
Host plant species scientific name |
Cassia |
plant. family |
Name of the host plant family |
Leguminosae |
record type |
Origin of the data |
Primary :: Secondary |
source |
Origin of the data |
Field observation :: Literature |
evidence |
Description of the observation that support the association |
Ovipositing on the leaves :: Larval feeding |
For each pair of butterfly and host plant names a separate row should be created with the corresponding item and page code. All the common and scientific names at any taxonomic level (species, genus, family or order) should be recorded. Common and generic plant names should be copy as shown in the original text, with out translations and without substitute it by their corresponding scientific name.
On going work: We did our first formal search for Pieridae family and found 3183 objects from 584 species. The majorities of these pages were classified as “to be processed” (1452). One Thousand twenty (1120) associations were recorded, corresponding to 240 butterfly species, and 818 host plant names (that includes scientific and common names).