We provide the following text and graphic objects that were summarized from available sources:
Templates for butterfly genera and species pages in Wikipedia: taxonomy was validated according to available checklists, distribution was summarized from data in GBIF, checklists and the compilation from Funet, host plant data was summarized from our compilation of butterfly-hostplant associations. Following families have been completed:
Pieridae (plantillas en español) -
Templates for hostplant species pages in Wikipedia: taxonomy was validated according to available checklists, biotic association data was summarized from our compilation of butterfly-hostplant associations. Following families are being processed:
Fabaceae, Arecaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Theaceae, Annonaceae, Salicaceae, Araceae, Malvaceae, Anacardiaceae, Ericaceae, Rosaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rutaceae, Loranthaceae, Santalaceae, Pinaceae, Asteraceae, Bignoniaceae, Solanaceae, Geraniaceae, Bataceae, Passifloraceae, Sapindaceae, Brassicaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Verbenaceae, Berberidaceae, Clusiaceae, Lythraceae, Oxalidaceae, Apocynaceae, Simaroubaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Osmundaceae, Tropaeolaceae, Zygophyllaceae, Polygonaceae, Molluginaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Alliaceae, Resedaceae, Aizoaceae, Akaniaceae, Stachyuraceae, Gentianaceae, Salvadoraceae, Apiaceae, Dichapetalaceae (plantillas en español) -
Distribution maps for butterfly species: we used distribution data from GBIF, checklists and the compilation from Funet to built preliminary range maps for all butterfly species. Following families are being processed: